How Long Does a Motorcycle Insurance Claim Take? – Quick Answer

Every insured motorcyclist would love the damages claim process to be pretty fast. Sadly, that’s often not the case as the process stalls. So, how long does a motorcycle insurance claim take? 

Most motorcycle insurance claims take days or a few weeks to settle if the insurance company sees no issue with the claim report. Others, however, take up to 7 months or more if there are issues with the report or the claimer decides to take the insurance company to trial. 

Generally, it depends on how quickly the insurance company accepts the claim and whether the claimer is okay with what the insurer is offering. 

But as you’ll learn, you have up to 2 years, which is the statute of limitation for taking legal proceedings against the insurance provider. 

This guide shall help you understand how long the process typically takes, what delays it, and how you can make it faster. We’ll also discuss the elements you can list on your claim and how much you can expect to receive for damages. 

How Long Does a Motorcycle Insurance Claim Take in The US?

Before we can answer this question, we must state that the insurance claim process depends primarily on two factors discussed below:

1. How quickly does the insurance company accept the claim?

Once you file your insurance claim and the insurance provider sees no discrepancies, they’ll suggest an initial offer. 

The initial offer usually comes with the condition that you cannot claim compensation for the same damages in the future, and once you accept it, the compensation takes a few days or weeks to materialize. 

However, you shouldn’t be in a hurry to accept the initial offer. 

2. How quickly do you accept the insurance company’s offer? 

It takes days or a few weeks for the insurance company to pay for damages once you accept the offer. 

However, if you embark on a negotiation, arbitration, or court trial, it may take as much as seven months or longer for the insurance company to pay for damages. 

What Can Delay the Insurance Claim? 

It’s worth noting that several factors may delay the approval of your insurance claim and possible compensation. They include: 

  • Discrepancies in the claim report: If the insurance company notices any inconsistencies in your insurance report, they’ll hesitate to initiate a settlement until everything is clear. 
  • Parties disagreement: If you and the insurance provider cannot agree on a settlement or plan, the claim process may drag on for months. 
  • Poor communication between the two parties: The process will be smoother if you and the insurance provider keep a healthy communication relationship. But if one party is not cooperative, then the process will stall. 

How Can You Fasten The Motorcycle Insurance Claim?

Though the motorbike insurance claim process is often slow, there are several things you can do to hasten it. That includes doing the following: 

  • Report the accident immediately: Don’t wait too long to report the accident and file for an insurance claim. You should report to the police as soon as the accident happens to obtain a traffic report and file the claim as soon as you have enough evidence. 
  • Gather enough evidence: It’s essential to gather as much evidence as possible. That includes medical reports, eyewitness testimonies, photos and videos of the accident scene, involved vehicle, motorcycle, and images of bodily injuries. 
  • Ensure your report has no discrepancies: Fill out the insurance claim form with the correct information and provide the necessary evidence/testimonials to back them up. The insurance company shouldn’t find any discrepancies to delay the process. 
  • Hire a professional injury lawyer: You need an expert in the legal sector to inform you about your rights, represent you, and negotiate for a better offer on your behalf. 

What Does A Motorcycle Insurance Claim Entail? 

As a policyholder, it’s essential to know beforehand what you can claim in case of an accident. That’ll help you during the negotiation if you want to get a good offer. 

Here are some damages you can claim:

  • Medical treatment costs 
  • Loss of work 
  • Mental anguish 
  • Nursing care 
  • Hospitalization costs 
  • Emergency treatment costs 
  • Consultation costs
  • Motorcycle physical damages 

How Much Can You Get From A Motorcycle Insurance Claim?

The much you can receive as compensation depends on the damages and the nature of your policy. For example, most insurance companies pay up to $25,000 for bodily injuries per person or $50,000 per motorcycle accident and $25,000 for property damages per crash. 

What Does the Motorcycle Insurance Claim Process Involve? 

The time that the claim takes to be approved depends on how lengthy the process is. We are talking about the specifics below.

1. Accident Reporting

The statute of limitations for motorcycle insurance claims is two years. You, however, don’t have to take that long to file a claim. You can file it as soon as the accident happens, and you have the correct evidence to use to file the report. 

2. Evidence Collection

You’ll need to collect enough evidence to help you file an insurance report. The evidence should show the scene of the accident, the time and date the accident happened, the name, contact, insurance, and registration details of the other party, and photos of the injury and damages sustained. 

3. Diagnosis And Medical Treatment

If you sustain a motorcycle accident injury, it’s wise to see a physician to have an expert diagnosis. You can then use the medical report to file an insurance claim.

4. Damage Assessment

The insurance company has experts who assess every damage claim before compensation. The complete damage assessment involves testimonies by experts from the medical and legal sectors and eyewitnesses. 

5. Negotiations

If you have the correct evidence and an experienced personal injury lawyer to represent you, you can start negotiating with the insurance company for a better offer. 

6. Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR)

ADR is an arbitration phase that involves a third party who helps you and the insurance company to arrive at a resolution and avoid a trial. Most lawsuits are dismissed at this stage. 

7. Trial 

Most motorcycle claims don’t end in trials as the settlement decision is often arrived at during the negotiation or ADR phase. But if the insurance company disagrees with the claim during the two phases, you can take them to court.


Generally, it may take days, weeks, or up to seven months or longer to receive compensation for a motorcycle insurance claim. Note, however, that you can hasten things and receive a better offer with the help of a personal injury lawyer.  

People Also Ask 

Here are some frequently asked questions relating to motorcycle insurance claims worth clarifying.

How Long Does It Take For An Insurance Company To Repair Damages? 

In most cases, the insurance adjuster responds to an insurance claim with an initial offer a few days after you file a report. But if there are issues, it may take up to 45 days to respond and up to 7 months to compensate you.

How Long Can You Wait To Make An Insurance Claim? 

While the statute of limitations for injury claims is two years, it’s a brilliant idea to file the claim as soon as the accident happens and you have the factual evidence. 

Why Do Insurance Claims Take So Long?

Most insurance claims take long because the insurance companies have to do a detailed investigation to determine liability and ensure there are no faults in the claim. If there are discrepancies in the report, the process will stall.

About Alex

Hi Friends! Welcome to Motorcycle Exploits. I'm Alex! If you ever had any personal hindrances or doubts about your abilities to ride a motorcycle, then you are in the right place, Mate! My desire is to help you overcome any fears and other personal struggles you have so that you, too, can celebrate your EXPLOITS!